
Gambling As an Addiction


Although a person’s interest in gambling may be novel, it should only be viewed as one form of entertainment. If, however, a person’s passion for gambling becomes compulsive, it can become an addiction. The stress associated with excessive gambling can negatively impact a person’s physical, social, and psychological health. Problem gambling is not only detrimental to one’s mental health, but it can also lead to physical health issues, such as abdominal disorders, migraines, and distress. In severe cases, gambling addiction can lead to despondency and even suicide attempts.

As with any addiction, gambling affects a person’s mental health and can be treated in the same way as other addictions. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is one method of treatment. The therapist will focus on the underlying cause of the problem and look at the way the person thinks about gambling and their behavior. It is essential to note that gambling is often an escape mechanism from a stressful situation, so therapy is often an effective treatment.

The amount of money wagered on gambling activities globally is estimated to be $10 trillion annually. The amount of money lost by the average person is probably greater. However, people should be aware that gambling does not guarantee wealth, and therefore should be budgeted as an expense. Chance-based gambling includes gambling on games of chance such as poker, bingo, and roulette. It is also important to remember that gambling is not a realistic way to make money, so the odds are stacked against you.