
The Growing Need For High-Quality, Classroom-Based Education in the Developing World


The Growing Need For High-Quality, Classroom-Based Education in the Developing World

A school is an educational establishment designed to offer learning facilities and learning spaces for students under the guidance of qualified teachers. Generally, most countries now have systems of formal public schooling, which can be either compulsory or optional. In such systems, prospective students progress through various schools before reaching a final school which offers them admission as full-fledged students. There are various reasons why parents consider sending their children to school, and most give the main opportunity of school as a reward for good behavior in the home and at home-schooling being seen as a viable option in most families.

Schools are run by teachers who come from various fields of education such as psychology, mathematics, English, science, geography, communications and psychology among others. Usually, there is a primary school system and then, there are secondary schools to cater to the secondary needs of children. Middle schools are also prevalent in some parts of the world. Middle schools are generally established to serve the educational needs of children who are in between the primary and secondary school system, and who may have special needs. These schools generally have smaller classrooms and tend to focus on art, science, humanities, physical education and social studies.

School is seen as a formal education alternative because it provides the right socialization and the emotional support needed to help children grow and mature and learn. It helps the child develop a suitable personality for college and later in life. With the increasing demand for well-qualified teachers and the shortage in many fields of education, schools are viewed as the best possible solution. The school provides a good formal education to a child and also provides him or her with a safe environment to learn. The socialization that occurs in schools is a wonderful experience for both the student and the teacher, making school a great choice for those who wish to grow and learn.