
Let Us Improve Hospitality Exchange Services in Tourism

Travel is the general movement of human beings between various remote geographical locations. Travel can usually be done by feet, car, bike, plane, train, bus, boat or other means, with luggage or no luggage, and could be one-way or round trip. There are two basic types of travel: commercial travel, which usually consists of visits to an airport or hotel, and public transportation, which usually means travel that is arranged through a public transportation system such as trains, buses, or taxis. Commercial travel has the primary objective of reaching a destination, while public transportation provides a means of reaching a destination without requiring payment of money. A traveler may also travel for pleasure, which includes traveling for business, leisure, or vacation purposes.


The modern mode of travel includes airplanes, trucks, boats, trains, automobiles and other modes of travel facilitated by technology. Travelling by automobile became commonplace some time ago, and trucks, busses, automobiles and other common vehicles have now been replaced by motor vehicles. Automobiles are convenient, comfortable, and safe to use, and allow the traveller to reach any destination in a relatively short time. Air transport is the fastest and safest of all travelling modes. For business travellers, air transport offers the best possible connectivity to a vast area and is cost effective.

A major area for growth in tourism is Asia and other remote non-traditional travel destinations. Asia offers a diverse range of travel experiences that are unique in their scope and appeal. Asia presents unique challenges and exciting opportunities to travellers, in both the realm of culture and business. Let us not forget the important role played by tourism in the economy of many countries. Let us, therefore, encourage tourists to experience the great hospitality of Asia and other non-traditional tourism destinations around the world and help them earn much-needed revenue.