
Sport and Exertion


Sport and Exertion

Any definition of sport could be controversial. In simple terms, sport can be defined by its general social definition and its historical association with competition, physical exertion, and performance measures. What make a game sport can vary greatly from participant perspective, the governing bodies involved, the rules and regulations governing the game, and even the method of execution. Sport can take on many different forms and constantly change depending on societal norms, trends, and even personal opinions.

The association sport with bodily contact or’sport’ has a long history. In general, organised sports are generally recognised as involving competition, with members of teams fighting or attempting to out-maneuver and overcome each other. For example, boxing is often regarded as an individual sport, but also involves intense physical contact and high levels of skill, athleticism, strategy, and athleticism. A game of tennis, while often considered to be primarily a competition, relies on intricate strategy and skill, as well as high levels of physical dexterity. A game of golf is often thought of as largely a contest of luck and skill, but requires precision shots and physical strength to succeed. Baseball and football, while characterised by the physical contact involved, are also characterised by high levels of skill, strategy, athleticism, and strategy.

However, the association between sport and physical exertion has also changed a great deal. Today, participating in sporting competitions is usually undertaken for fun, and often involves little or no exertion of physical dexterity or agility. Skateboarding, cycling, ice skating, swimming, rugby, and football are examples of sport that require participants to rely mainly on their own physical dexterity. In addition, many players use specialised equipment to enhance their performance.